Here we are again. Loaded up and ready to make our way over to our friends from Caritas in Sfantu George, Romania.
In what has to be one of our largest ever trips undertaken we are very proud and excited to be taking over £2,000,000 worth of much needed humanitarian aid. This spread over 5 Lorries gives us a staggering combined total load equalling a massive 93 TONS of goods.
Aiding our trustees, Mark Murphy (Wetheralds Painters & Decorators LTD), Jamie Search and Charlie Lister (Both of William G Search Ltd), tackle this mammoth 4,500km round trip are our volunteers:
Graham Nixon – Nixon Hire, Newcastle.
Guy Hudson – Lynx Clothing, Harrogate.
Terry Roscoe – Central Catering Services, Wigan.
Ian McKenzie, Harrogate.
Andrew Hillas, Otley.
Gary Dooley – Pure Design, Leeds
Terry Mead – TPA Trakway, Nottingham.
Recentley our cause has been lucky enough to attract quite a bit of media coverage. With our own trustee and founder Mark Murphy being asked to tell his side of the story to the BBC. To read his views on why it is essential to continue with these efforts to provide a better quality of life for the less fortunate please follow this link: BBC Website.
Our Trustees would also like to offer a big THANK YOU to the following for their kind Donations and continued support. Without this help we would not be in the position that we are today where we can provide these essential items for the people who need it the most.
ICI Dulux
Crown Paints
Lemar Fashions
Wetheralds Painters & Decorators Ltd
Commer Group
Tadcaster Pub Company
Cohen & Wilks International
Romero Insurance Brokers Ltd
Proctor & Gamble
CCS Limited
Nixon Hire
GNG Group
Grahams Plumbers Merchants
M.G. Smith Vehicle Repairs
Giggleswick School
Drammock International
Everthorpe Prison
Live Nation
Festival Republic
Barnes Catering
Portable Toilets Ltd
Firebrand Live Ltd
Pure Creative Marketing Ltd
BRS Truck Rental
Scope – Crossgreen
Seacroft Hospital
St James Hospital
Leeds General Infirmary
Spire Hospital
Bradford Royal Infirmary
Bolton General Infirmary
Yorkshire Clinic
Chapellallerton Hospital
Toiletries Sales Ltd
West Yorkshire Trading Standards
A G Beverley & Son
Jurys Inn
Queensway Primary School – Yeadon
John Cotton
Middlesborough Police Station
W G Search Ltd
A1 Mobile
As always if anyone has any items that they wish to donate then these can be collected or sent in the usual way by contacting the office on: 0113 2449244. We welcome all donations large or small.